Thursday, March 14, 2013

So... the last 3 months were fun-filled with one emergency visit, two hospitalizations, three infections and antibiotic courses and countless weeks of nausea/vomiting/diarrhea. First the doctors blamed it on the clinical trial they put me on. Well, the CT scan showed that not only the tumor grew - so off the trial I go - but there are new metastasis forming up. Healing tango? Dancing? What are you talking about? I can walk about two blocks, after which I need to stop and catch my breath. On the days I don't go to the hospital my daily movements are between bedroom, kitchen and couch.


  1. Damn, I am so sorry to hear that.
    At any rate, if there's anything I can do to help - do let me know.

  2. Сережкин, сердце за тебя болит. Очень хочу тебе помочь - скажи, если могу чем-то.

  3. Privet! Thanks for writing this and keeping us posted! Thanks for including me in the circle "to whom it may concern" because I am concerned (in both meanings of the word: concerned about you and want to stay involved if and in the way it is possible). I really wish you to feel better and gain more of physical strength.

  4. Думаю о вас.
